Modus Vivendi
Modus Vivendi is a 3D animated short film set in a futuristic dystopian world, following the story of a government Agent named Iona who is assigned with the task of eliminating rogue robots. During one of her missions however, she finds something interesting about AI which might change her whole outlook on the system she works for.
I worked on this production with four talented people who specialised in different areas of CG. My roles in the project included the rigging of the three characters seen in the film as well as character animation.
The film won the FGT Art competition held by Fox Renderfarm in September 2021.
Frozen: Fan Animation
The first time I saw Frozen 2, I was absolutely amazed by the level of detailed facial animation shown in the film. I just had to try making something similar!
Here is a fan animation I did of Elsa in order to push my facial acting animation skills. The particle FX and cloth simulations were done by the talented VFX artist Jonathan Hans Christian.
Some animations I did at Uni
Here are some short animation exercises I did in university that are far from perfect, but taught me a range of new skills in character animation.
Experimenting with Houdini
In these short projects, I was able to test out a range of functions in Houdini including Procedural Modelling, Scattering, Vellum and Flocking. The black and white project showcased below titled ‘Automation’ in which I took part in as a Procedural Modeller was selected into the Anim! Arte International Animation Festival.